Sunday, 11 January 2015

                       VIVIPAROUS LIZARD

SCIENTIFIC NAME :-    Lacerta vivipara
OCCURRENCE :-           Arctic Scandinavia,Britain,S. to N.Spain,N.Asia
HABITAT :-                  Meadows, Marshes,Open woodland
SIZE :-                         Length 14 to 18 cm
FAMILY :-                    Lacertidae


  1. It is an alert and agile , elongate , long tailed lizard with large scales on the head and belly.
  2. Its coloration varies over its wide range but it is commonly grey or yellowish-brown with pale yellow spots and dark stripes on the back.
  3. It is a good climber and swimmer and solitary creature except during hibernation and mating season.
  4. It feeds on insects , spiders , earthworms , slugs and other small invertebrates.
  5. The 5-8 young develop inside the female feeding on the yolks of their shells fully formed , as they are expelled from the body or soon afterwards.

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